Case Studies

Weekly Standard and Concerned Veterans for America


When The Weekly Standard was approached by Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) to co-host a policy luncheon on the future of America’s defense spending, they contacted Angel Enterprises (Angel) to handle this important inaugural event from start to finish.  Angel hit the ground running by collaborating with both the Weekly Standard and CVA to help cast the overall vision and objectives for this event. Angel utilized its’ outstanding event planning and management services, event related creative counsel, public outreach and media relations expertise to help host what was a seamless event that led to meaningful networking and the dissemination of valuable take-home information. The national, state and local media exposure helped extend CVA’s outreach efforts, and promoted the organization as experts and thought leaders in the defense spending debate.


Through Angel’s longstanding relationships and ability to help build new relationships, the luncheon was standing room only and reached the highest levels of the legislative and policy communities.  Angel’s commitment to excellence, longstanding relationships, event management expertise, and effective targeted media outreach resulted in a very successful event.

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